
AI is an accelerant for gaining a competitive advantage. It can open new markets and even address a business’ existential threats. Formerly untrainable models for use cases like natural language processing become solvable with massive infrastructure scale.

But leading-edge AI demands leadership-class infrastructure — and DGX SuperPOD offers extreme-scale multi-node training of even the most complex models, like BERT for conversational AI.

It consolidates often siloed pockets of AI and machine learning development into a centralized shared infrastructure, bringing together data science talent so projects can quickly go from concept to production at scale.

And it maximizes resource efficiency, avoiding stranded, underutilized assets and increasing a business’ return on its infrastructure investments.

Designed for the Scale of Enterprise AI

NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD delivers a turnkey AI data center solution for organizations that want to focus on insights instead of infrastructure, with best-of-breed computing, software tools, expertise, and continuous innovation delivered seamlessly.

Offered with two choices of compute infrastructure, DGX SuperPOD lets every enterprise AI-infuse their business and build game-changing applications instead of wrestling with platform complexity.

Two modes of AI infrastructure are available to scale with DGX SuperPOD. Leverage either or both for enterprise AI.

Data Center Leaders Support NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD

Several of our partners have completed the testing and validation of DGX SuperPOD in combination with their high-performance storage offerings and the Mellanox InfiniBand and Ethernet terabit-speed network fabric.



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